[FX.php List] Is anyone using FX.php with FMStudio

Jon Montgomery jwmontgomery at dqud300.perry.k12.il.us
Mon Nov 27 11:12:08 MST 2006

I need to add that FMStudio also give you the ability to look at data live
in Dreamweaver.  So you can check to see how it looks before going to the


On 11/27/06 12:01 PM, "Jon Montgomery"
<jwmontgomery at dqud300.perry.k12.il.us> wrote:

> Phillipe and ggt,
>     I am using FMStudio with FX.PHP.  Ggt, FMStudio is a plug-in or
> extension for Dreamweaver that writes the php code for you.  After you set
> things up, you can drag and drop your fields and portals into your layout
> and FMStudio writes the code.
>     I have had some minor difficulties setting it up along with some of the
> bugs that they still had on the Mac side, but am on the third update and am
> very pleased and will be using it more an more on a project I am right in
> the middle of.
>     Hope this helps, I recommend FMStudio for us that are "code challenged!"
> Jon Montgomery

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