[FX.php List] calling scripts from FX help

Michael Layne fx at 9degrees.com
Thu Oct 20 22:34:16 MDT 2005

Well, I've been doing this quite a while, and for some reason, I  
cannot make a script happen...

     $q = new FX($ip, $port);
     $q->SetDBData($fmdb,$lay . $type . 'posts');
     $r = $q->FMFind();

I think it's the script itself...

Go to Layout [...]
Export Field Contents[...]

I really need a container field (has a text file in it) to get its  
contents exported to a directory, and it wouldn't work from the web.   
works every time from FM.  I know I can run A script... if I just set  
a field, the script runs.  I also tried 'Export Field Contents' with  
a text field (as opposed to a container field).  Same results...

Lastly, I thought it was because the database was so large... (60 MB,  
120 tables, 760 layouts, 1400 scripts) but I made a 1 table database  
with the same fields and no go...

Any help would be appreciated.  I try to contribute as much as i can,  
but I'm stumped.  I'm guessing the answer is "You cannot do that from  
outside FM"...



Michael Layne  :  9 degrees development  :  www.9degrees.com  :   

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