[FX.php List] Ongoing saga of FMS 13 and FX.php... still no luck

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Tue Mar 25 12:53:25 MDT 2014

It’s awful…

After NOT reading the installation instructions and wondering why things weren’t working, someone finally set me straight, and I turned off Web Services on my FMS 13 machine, and it’s working fine for web publishing.

I’m doing what Chris Hansen recommended; rather than a two-machine configuration, I did a one-machine configuration, and then on the web server I’ll set up the website, and in my FX data file I put in the IP (or domain name) of the FMS 13 machine. Works fine, and since both machines are in the same network, I don’t think it’ll be much slower if at all.

Frustrating though; it does away with using a single machine for multiple websites, without going through a process that Claus Lavendt graciously figured out. His process doesn’t allow for SSL certs though, and for about 2/3 of the web apps I do, SSL is a must.

Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions
bob at longtermsolutions.com
FileMaker 9, 10, 11 & 12 Certified Developer
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On Mar 25, 2014, at 1:11 PM, Roger Moffat <rogerkiwi at mac.com> wrote:

>>  If you have
>> enabled the Apache web server that is already installed with OS X, the FileMaker Server installer
>> prompts you to let it disable any existing website using port 80 or 443 before it can continue.
> Say What????
> So any machine used as either half of a 2 machine FileMaker Server setup can NOT be used to serve any other websites on Ports 80 and 443?????
> How greedy of FileMaker and inconvenient to the Server Admin!!!
> No Cheers!!!

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