[FX.php List] Connecting PHP Web Pages with ODBC

Glyn Devine glyn.devine at quickseries.com
Thu Apr 25 10:28:52 MDT 2013

ODBC will definitely be faster than FX. FX is dead slow when writing
records. You are generally talking multiple seconds per record created.

To use ODBC to write to filemaker in PHP, you will need to install the
FileMaker ODBC driver on the same machine PHP is running on. The driver that
comes with FileMaker 11 will work fine. I do not recommend the
FileMaker-created ODBC drivers from FileMaker discs prior to version 11 ­
these also have some pretty terrible speed problems.

Good luck! 

On 13-04-25 11:47 AM, "dealTek" <dealtek at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking for a way to do CWP web pages with php and connect not with
> filemaker php api which seems to use XML which appears to be slower but maybe
> with ODBC which I hear might be a faster transfer rate....
> 1 - Do you know if using ODBC is possibly faster than filemaker php api for
> faster web data transfers?
> 2 - Can I accomplish this with just the supplied client odbc code or would it
> be better to use fx.php?
> --
> Thanks,
> Dave - DealTek
> dealtek at gmail.com
> [db-3]
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