[FX.php List] Re-FMS12's bug?

Masayuki Nii msyk at msyk.net
Sun Jul 8 11:19:14 MDT 2012


Troy Meyers <tcmeyers at troymeyers.com> さんが、2012/7/8 23:04:54に送られた
  ---“Re: [FX.php List] FMS12's bug?”によりますと
> If we had a way to ask FX to request data using the other grammar, FMRESULTSET, then I think FX could deal with the response.

FX.php's implementation depends on FMPXMLRESULT scheme, and it's not easy task 
to fit the fmresultset scheme. I mean it's not enough to replace the URL string. 
It has to process each XML element appropriately. I will report this to FM Inc, 
but it can not be fixed as far as how previous bugs were handled.

新居雅行/Masayuki Nii <nii at msyk.net> Web Site <http://msyk.net>
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