[FX.php List] Updating many Records - Best Practice?

Tim 'Webko' Booth tim at nicheit.com.au
Tue Jan 31 15:04:08 MST 2012

On 01/02/2012, at 2:17 AM, Glyn Devine wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm writing a web-app to talk to my company's filemaker database.  
> It's for
> inventory.
> The app runs a query on the products table to find the ones that we're
> checking inventory for, this usually returns about 1300 records. (This
> initial step takes about 3-5 seconds) I store the resultant FX array  
> into
> the user's session. I use the array to allow the web app to quickly  
> page
> through the products. The inventory numbers (3 fields - boxes,  
> packs, units)
> entered by the user are stored in the array as well.
> Once all the inventory numbers are entered, I will have the user  
> commit his
> entered inventory to the filemaker database. What's the best way to  
> update 3
> fields each for 1300 records in a way that's not dead slow?
> Sample/pseudo-code would be appreciated. I've never actually used  
> FX.php to
> WRITE to records before.

Well, I'd have another part of the array that indicates whether a  
particular record has been updated on commit.

You haven't indicated whether this is a straight write (new records),  
or an update (modifying existing records). If the latter, I'd also get  
the -recid when creating the initial array.

Also, be aware that FileMaker returns *everything* from the specified  
layout - I tend to create special web layouts with only the exact  
fields I need for an operation to reduce the extraneous traffic.

That aside, there really is no way other than to do a foreach that  
does each update/create one at a time.



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