[FX.php List] Newbie PHP Question about direct link request to DB

Tim 'Webko' Booth tim at nicheit.com.au
Wed Mar 24 04:04:56 MDT 2010

On 24/03/2010, at 8:57 PM, Lars Arlér wrote:

> Thanks Webko for the quick and swift answer....
> But I'll try to explain my problem a little deeper.
> The problem is that I have created a html webmail, from where my  
> colleges
> will be linked via a hidden link, in their email client, to their own
> browser and directed to their own personal record.

What about

> /browserecord.php?-action=browse&user=tim&-recid=501&weirdfield=231626

At least they have to get a few other things right to spoof it...  
weirdfiield can essentially be a random number...

Not perfect but better for links



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