[FX.php List] FMS Server Console gets whacky/ CWP fails under IIS

Joel Shapiro jsfmp at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 7 13:11:32 MST 2010

Hey Jonathan

I've got no answers to your problem, but here's a list of FMServer  
error codes:

Also, according to:
Error 22 gets produced when a server-side script ends.


On Jan 7, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Jonathan Schwartz wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have a client who has experienced long term, persistent failures  
> of CWP on a regular basis.  I'm looking for answers.
> The environment is Windows Server 2008 running on a single 64 bit  
> machine with 8GB ram. The FileMaker solution is 5GB or so, and used  
> by an office staff of 15-20 or so.  In addition to the native  
> FileMaker users, the system supports a busy web site that handles  
> approximately 30,000 transactions per day.  I know that FMI  
> recommends a multiple machine deployment, but the problem may or may  
> not be related to that.
> This deployment uses the API, but I'm not sure if that matters.
> Every so often, Custom Web Publishing stops communicating,  
> generating error 22...an error that doesn't appear on any lists that  
> I found so far.  With the error, all web pages that require CWP stop  
> responding, although IIS does display the html.
> When consulting the Server Console, we find that the Console is a  
> bit confused.  It displays green indicators for Server and Web  
> Server in the middle of the page. However, the Start and Stop  
> buttons on the upper left say otherwise.  The Start Server button is  
> active and can be clicked...although it doesn't do anything.  The  
> Web Server buttons suggest that the Web engine is working..but it  
> isn't really.
> When the problem occurs, we need to perform some or all of the  
> following steps:
> 	- Stop/Start IIS
> 	- Stop/Start the hardware
> 	- Redeploy FileMaker Web  Publishing
> One clue that we have observed is what appears to be a memory leak.  
> Memory usage steadily grows from under 2GB upon restart to 5GB and  
> higher over a day's time.  We don't know what is leaking.
> My involvement in this project is solely the Web Publishing portion.
> My area of concern is for PHP session data that might be  
> contributing to the problem. I use sessions to store variables that  
> are employed throughout the user session. I destroy sessions when a  
> user reaches an end point in the system. However, some subsystems do  
> not have end points, so I rely on PHP to end the session and do  
> garbage collection.  I can not confirm that that is actually  
> happening. Windows is not my strong suit.
> I have the opportunity to completely eliminate sessions from the PHP  
> programming, relying  on POST and GET to pass key fields from page  
> to page and perform queries to retrieve data that I currently use  
> sessions to store.
> I would do this if I had any confidence that this was the cause of  
> the problem...which I don't.
> So, my questions are:
> Does anyone else experience regular failures of Windows based CWP?
> Are there any special recommendations to keep sessions-related  
> memory under control?
> Anything else?
> Thanks
> Jonathan
> -- 
> Jonathan Schwartz
> Exit 445 Group
> jonathan at exit445.com
> http://www.exit445.com
> 415-370-5011
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