[FX.php List] FMNew adds two records?

Jon Montgomery igsmasupport at igsmasouth.org
Sat Jan 19 23:24:43 MST 2008

    I turned on DEBUG and here is the url:


On 1/19/08 10:49 AM, "Chris Hansen" <chris at iViking.org> wrote:

> define('DEBUG', true); // this goes at the top of your query page
I am getting an error when trying to go to the link above.  A second FMView
on my page works fine however.  I have screen shots if you need to see them.

> That will allow you to see if an XML query does the same thing, and
> also see if two queries are being performed somewhere.
> Jon, can we have a look at your code?  Best,

Here is the code.  It is long with one field having 25 repeats.  I hope to
fix that in the next data base redesign.  This started out in FMP 4 and just
got UPDATED but not modified so it is mostly still a FLAT file.  That will
change but for now, it works with the exception of the double records, one
with data and one without.

Please note that Safari DOES NOT CREATE TWO Records, just ONE.  FireFox
creates ONE with DATA and ONE without data.

Attached PDF has the code.

In my other site, which does the same thing as this page, all works fine
including the DEBUG view.  So I must have some faulty code.  This page was
copy and pasted from the other site I believe, with the modifications to the
field names. 

It is late and not sure I am making since.  Hope the pictures and PDF files

Thanks in advance!

Jon Montgomery

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