[FX.php List] special characters and fm

Troy Meyers tcmeyers at troymeyers.com
Wed Sep 12 16:02:07 MDT 2007


The Parameter Missing error is one of the symptoms of not using:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

I always put it in the <HEAD> section, not just at the top of the page, like this:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>My Page Name</title>


Are you using Dreamweaver? It puts its own in too, so if you have both, there might be a problem. Take a look at the code.

I don't have to deal with the "both" problem now, the right thing is put in a newly created page, because I changed the Preferences in Dreamweaver. Look under Preferences, and find the "New Document" panel. For Default Encoding select the dropdown menu item "Unicode 4.0 UTF-8"

WHATEVER EDITOR you are using, the META tag isn't enough, it also needs to be SAVED using the correct encoding. For example, for BBEdit, it's "UnicodeTM (UTF-8, no BOM)" which is selectable in one of the popup menus at the bottom of the window.

Maybe that helps?


> Hi,
> Unfortunately it did not :(.
> I would have loved it if it would have.  The error code I am getting is
> 958.  I think you are right though that it is something to do with
> encoding since the text that is returned in place of the characters is
> nonsense.
> Any other ideas?
> Alicia Cosenza

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