[FX.php List] Why not convert from CDML to fx.php?

Jonathan Schwartz jonathan at exit445.com
Sun May 13 20:17:58 MDT 2007


THANK YOU for explaining that, because it addresses the eternal 
mystery question of whether the Web Companion was providing the web 
serving or another web server was (apache/IIS).

In all my FMP6U/fx.php installations, I used Apache as a web server. 
Everything worked fine.  You guys helped me through it back in 2005. 

Then, I ran into a different account using FMP6UL/CDML (Mac) that had 
no third party web server. Now I understand that the Web Companion is 
providing the web serving.

Back to the FileMaker Web Server Connector (FM-WSC) for this problem client...

- Platform is Windows.
- FMPis FMP5.5UL
- Using IIS as a web server
- Using FMP-WSC.
- Pages are in CDML.

Based on this, do they NEED to use WSC?

If they upgrade to FMP6UL, do they need to use WSC?

Where the heck is the setting which determines if WSC on/off or in 
the loop at all?



At 8:40 PM -0500 5/13/07, Dale Bengston wrote:
>Web Companion is a FileMaker extension. The FileMaker Web Server 
>Connector (FM-WSC) is a separate install that connects one's web 
>server (in my case Apache) to FMP. The FM-WSC was primarily intended 
>to be a tool for implementing RAICs and load balancing, allowing a 
>web server to communicate with more than one FMU logged into the 
>same set of databases. The FM-WSC would round-robin contact its set 
>of established FMUs, in a pretty-lame scheme for load balancing. If 
>you didn't want FMU to be your web server, and have it sit behind a 
>"real" web server like IIS or Apache, you had to use the FM-WSC to 
>get it to work - even with one FMU (no load balancing).
>One of the most attractive things about FX.PHP when I started using 
>it in 2003 was, no FM-WSC necessary!
>It behooves you to make sure you have the latest updater, even 
>though that doesn't guarantee perpetual uptime, as John May points 
>out. on the Mac, there is a separate updater for the Web Companion 
>(6.0v3) and for FMU (6.0v4).
>So, if you're using FMU, even with FX.PHP, you're using the Web 
>Companion. The FM-WSC is an optional install. If you haven't 
>installed it, and everything works, then you're off the hook.
>On May 13, 2007, at 8:13 PM, Jonathan Schwartz wrote:
>>I have never seen the mention of "Web Connector" in combination 
>>with FileMaker Pro 6 Unlimited, even though I started out using 
>>FMP6UL to web publish fx.php before moving to FMP8SA. Both Mac.
>>I do have a Web Companion and a Web Companion Enabler in the 
>>Extensions folder of FMP6UL/Mac...but no Web Connector.
>>Did Web Connector get retired in FMP6UL?
>>At 9:18 AM +1000 5/14/07, Kevin Futter wrote:
>>>That was our experience too, and we never bothered with the WSC.
>>>Kevin Futter
>>>Webmaster, St. Bernard's College
>>Jonathan Schwartz
>>Exit 445 Group
>>jonathan at exit445.com
>>FileMaker 8 Certified Developer
>>FX.php_List mailing list
>>FX.php_List at mail.iviking.org
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>FX.php_List at mail.iviking.org

Jonathan Schwartz
Exit 445 Group
jonathan at exit445.com
FileMaker 8 Certified Developer

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