[FX.php List] PHP Question

Dale Bengston dbengston at preservationstudio.com
Thu Jul 20 11:54:19 MDT 2006

Using modulus and a counter is also an excellent way to set up an  
alternating background color in table rows.


On Jul 20, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Steve Hannah wrote:

> Along the same lines but using the modulus operator...
> $counter=0;
> echo '<table>';
> foreach ($foundSet['data'] as $key=>$foundData){
>     if ( $counter % 3 == 0 ) echo '<tr>';
>     echo '<td width="33%"> Your stuff here</td>';
>     if ($counter % 3 == 2) echo '</tr>';
>     $counter++;
> }
> echo '</table>';
> On 20-Jul-06, at 10:12 AM, Bob Patin wrote:
>> While I've not done it, I know how I would go about this:
>> $counter = 4;
>> foreach($foundSet['data'] as $key=>$foundData){
>> 	if ($counter = 4){
>> 		$counter = 0;
>> 		?>
>> 		<?php
>> 		<tr> //create a new table row
>> 		?>
>> 	<?php
>> 	}
>> 	if ($counter < 4){
>> 	?>	
>> 		<td width=33%>... create your new column, specify column width  
>> here as well (I assume it'd be 33%)
>> 		$counter = $counter + 1;
>> 	<?php
>> 	}
>> }
>> ?>
>> This might need tweaking; I just dashed this off, but I think this  
>> would work fine...
>> Let me know how it goes...
>> Bob Patin
>> Longterm Solutions
>> bob at longtermsolutions.com
>> 615-333-6858
>> http://www.longtermsolutions.com
>>      AIM or iChat: longterm1954
>>      Yahoo: longterm_solutions
>>      MSN: tech at longtermsolutions.com
>>      ICQ: 159333060
>> So essentially you'd have a loop within a loop; the main loop is  
>> looping through the found set. The internal loop creates columns  
>> (3 at the max for your example), then exits the loop to start a  
>> new row.
>> On Jul 20, 2006, at 11:56 AM, David Tinoco wrote:
>>> I guess this is more a php question, but does anyone know how to  
>>> write a piece of code that could write the html for the  
>>> foundcount of a query from the database in columns, as well as rows?
>>> For example:
>>> Category1            Category2                  Category3
>>> Category4            Category5                  Category6
>>> Instead of:
>>> Category1
>>> Category2
>>> Category3
>>> Category4....and so on.
>>> Thanks!
>>> David
>>> With MSN Spaces email straight to your blog. Upload jokes, photos  
>>> and more. It's free! It's free!
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