[FX.php List] Just Curious

Chris Hansen chris at iViking.org
Thu Jul 20 10:09:00 MDT 2006


I don't have formal programming training (except the odd programming  
class).  I have been programming since I was 14 (22 years), but I'm  
self taught for the most part, and my degree is in English, not  
anything technical.

--Chris Hansen
   FileMaker 7 Certified Developer
   Creator of FX.php
   "The best way from FileMaker to the Web."

On Jul 20, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Jonathan Schwartz wrote:

> As many of you on this list have (painfully) witnessed, I am slowly  
> but surely building my CWP skills with fx.php.....and I have a  
> question for the List.
> What is your (formal) training in programming?
> Persoanlly, I have a mechanical engineering education, but no  
> formal computer science training.  I don't know any computer  
> languages. I have taught myself HTML, CSS and now fx.php and  
> PHP....and of course FileMaker.
> I'm just wondering how many others are in the same boat, or have  
> formal programming skills such as C, that transfer well to learning  
> PHP.
> Just curious.
> Jonathan
> -- 
> Jonathan Schwartz
> Schwartz & Company
> 817 Marin Drive
> Mill Valley, CA 94941
> Phone: 415-381-1852
> jonathan at eschwartz.com - http://www.eschwartz.com
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