[FX.php List] Problem Accessing Images From FileMaker DB through PHP(FX.PHP)

Chris Hansen chris at iViking.org
Thu Oct 13 09:05:22 MDT 2005


Very interesting problem.  It does sound slightly familiar, but I'm  
not sure what the fix would be.  Basically, what image_proxy.php does  
is allow you to access images in FileMaker securely from outside a  
firewall (assuming your FM server is inside the firewall.)  That  
said, during development, you can look at exactly what you're  
encoding by echoing out the contents of the container field without  
encrypting them, like this:


You might then try accessing the image directly to see what your  
results are.  Finally, I'm not sure if it's an issue, but  
image_proxy.php also needs the proper user name and password for  
accessing the image.  There's actually and include for  
server_data.php so that this information can be retrieved.

Have a look at those and see what you find out.  HTH

--Chris Hansen
   creator of FX.php
   "The best way from FileMaker to the Web."

On Oct 12, 2005, at 5:26 AM, Debabrata Pati wrote:

> Hi
> I am facing problem when accessing image from FileMaker Database.
> First of all my software specifications:
> Filemaker Server Advanced 7 (FileMaker 8 DB Hosted)
> PHP Version: 4.3.3
> FX.PHP 4.0.0
> windows 2003 sever
> When i access the image for a search result listing.
> It is showing the image of 1st record and reapeats the image
> of first record for the rest of records.
> I am using image_proxy.php for accessing image records.
> The code is like below:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> <?php
>     include_once('fx/fx.php');
>     include_once('fx/image_proxy.php');
>         $fxob=new FX('',80,'FMPro7','HTTP');
>         $fxob->setDBPassword('password','username');
>         $fxob->setDBData('DBName','Layout-web');
>         $dataArray=$fxob->FMFindAll();
>         foreach($dataArray[data] as $val){
>            $image=null;
>            $image="fx/image_proxy.php?
>                 FXimage=".vignereEncryptURL($val['containerPicture'] 
> [0]);
>            echo '<img src="'.$image.'">';
>         }
> ?>
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Please reply if u have any solution.
> Also tell me if any other way available for accessing the image  
> from DB.
> Regards
> Debabrata Pati.
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