[FX.php List] "No Action Taken" on query

Jonathan Schwartz jonathan at exit445.com
Mon Jan 11 15:10:54 MST 2016


In my experience, no single query will do the job because of the number of links in the chain that can fail on an CWP query.

WPE failed
Apache failed
FMS Server failed
DB offline
Queried data missing
Server offline
Power failure
Connectivity failure
DNS failure

A succesful WPE query demonstrate that all of the items are working.

An unsuccessful query means anything in the list (and more) could be at fault.

Because a WPE query won’t return a result, you can’t ask the sick server to tell you it is sick. I used to do the following:
	1) Query the DB(s) at some known interval.
	2) Write the timestamp(s) in a different location.
	3) Query the timestamp(s) to see which had not been updated in a timely manner (indicating failure).
	4) Alert me when #3 failed.

I used Cron scripts to manage this process.

Hope that helps.


Jonathan Schwartz
jonathan at exit445.com

> On Jan 11, 2016, at 1:52 PM, Bob Patin <bob at patin.com> wrote:
> My experience has been that, if the WPE is down, nothing gets returned from a query; I’ve tried numerous methods, because I’d love to have a page that could monitor my WPE installs and let me know if one of them loses functionality.
> How would you write it? 
> Thanks,
> Bob Patin
> Longterm Solutions
> bob at longtermsolutions.com
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>> On Jan 11, 2016, at 3:50 PM, Malcolm Fitzgerald <malcolm at notyourhomework.net> wrote:
>> On 12/01/2016 10:21 am, Bob Patin wrote:
>>> Argh… I suspect it means the WPE may not be working, but then, if FX isn’t getting to the WPE, it wouldn’t return anything at all, right?
>> The web server, either apache or IIS, will be able to spit something back when WPE is down. 
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