[FX.php List] Ongoing saga of FMS 13 and FX.php... still no luck

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Sun Mar 23 17:01:18 MDT 2014

Well, here's what I've figured out:

WPE works fine; the only thing is that you can't use OS X Server at all. I had to turn it off, then re-install FMS 13, and then put the website in this directory:

Library/FileMaker Server/HTTPServer/htdocs

and it'll work, but I assume that if I want to specify the home page, I'll have to get into Terminal; I've never set up websites that way, but I guess I'm going to have to, if I even want to use FMS 13 for web apps.

The problem though is that I often need to install SSL certs, and that's a pain enough in OS X Server Admin, without having to deal with doing it all in Terminal.

So if I want to run my test domain


the server doesn't know what my home page is, so I have to use


in order to get to the page.

That sucks.

I need to be able to do what I've been doing for more than 10 years, using the Admin Console to set up virtual hosts, assign SSL certs, and so on.

I'm glad that at least FX.php is working, but at this point, I don't see how I can possibly use FMS 13 for web apps.

Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions
bob at longtermsolutions.com
FileMaker 9, 10, 11 & 12 Certified Developer
iChat: bobpatin at me.com
Twitter: bobpatin
FileMaker Consulting 
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On Mar 23, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Dale Bengston <dale.bengston at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sure, you can have lots of sites sharing port 80, as long as Apache knows what to do with them. For separate domains, you probably have set up lots of virtual hosts in Apache, each one pointing to the proper directory on the web server. Or you can run a “site” out of a sub-directory (I do this for testing and temporary situations) by just feeding that as part of the url: http://mydomain.com/newsite/
> I’m still stuck on this being an Apache problem, due to the error message. It looks like a mod_rewrite problem or an issue with how directories are set up. Maybe the defaults are different for these for OS X Mavericks.
> Dale, trying not to chase too many red herrings.
> On Mar 21, 2014, at 10:31 PM, Bob Patin <bob at patin.com> wrote:
>> Actually, there's only a test site on there, but does that mean I can't even have ONE site running on port 80? That's how it is right now, and it still doesn't work.
>> The interesting thing though is that I don't think the API works either on this machine, which makes me wonder if a single-machine configuration is even possible with FMS 13.
>> I think my next try will be to do a 2-machine config and see if that works.
>> BP
>> Bob Patin
>> Longterm Solutions
>> bob at longtermsolutions.com
>> 615-333-6858
>> FileMaker 9, 10, 11 & 12 Certified Developer
>> http://www.longtermsolutions.com
>> -
>> iChat: bobpatin at me.com
>> Twitter: bobpatin
>>>> FileMaker Consulting 
>> FileMaker Hosting for all versions of FileMaker
>> PHP • Full email services • Free DNS hosting • Colocation • Consulting
>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 7:41 PM, Chris Hansen <chris at iViking.org> wrote:
>>> Like Dale says below, there's some problem with the way that URLs are normally rewritten for FileMaker.  If you looked at the Apache error log, you'd see all sorts of errors.  My question is: would it be the right Apache log?  If you look at this:
>>> http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/12120/~/ports-used-by-filemaker-server-13
>>> you'll note that it says to be sure that no other sites are running on ports 80 or 443.  From what you've said, it sounds like that is not the case.
>>> HTH
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