[FX.php List] Ongoing saga of FMS 13 and FX.php... still no luck

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Fri Mar 21 10:52:18 MDT 2014

OK, so...

I've got a machine running OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion); 16 GB of RAM, FM Server 13.

I've tried doing a query with both FX 4.5.1 and FX 6; neither work.

Here's the code I'm using for FX.php 6:


$q = new FX('localhost', 80, 'FMPro7');  
$q->SetDBData('wpe_test', 'data',3);
$qResult = $q->FMFindAll();

//echo $qResult['errorCode'];


I did away w/ the need for the server_data file to eliminate any stupid errors, but it STILL doesn't work; here's what I get; any ideas?

FX_Error Object ( [error_message_prefix] => [mode] => 1 [level] => 1024 [code] => 100 [message] => FX: ExecuteQuery XML error: SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing at line 1 [userinfo] => [backtrace] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /Library/WebServer/Documents/fms4test/FX6/datasource_classes/RetrieveFM7Data.class.php [line] => 273 [function] => FX_Error [class] => FX_Error [object] => FX_Error Object *RECURSION* [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ExecuteQuery XML error: SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing at line 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /Library/WebServer/Documents/fms4test/FX6/FX.php [line] => 309 [function] => doQuery [class] => RetrieveFM7Data [object] => RetrieveFM7Data Object ( [fmDataFile] => FMPXMLRESULT.xml [xmlStartHandler] => StartElement [xmlContentHandler] => ElementContents [xmlEndHandler] => EndElement [currentFlag] => [currentValueList] => [currentValueListElement] => [currentRecord] => [currentSubrecordIndex] => [currentField] => [currentFieldIndex] => [columnCounter] => -1 [dataURL] => http://web:pass@localhost:80/fmi/xml/FMPXMLRESULT.xml?-db=wpe_test.fmp12&-lay=data&-max=3&-findall [dataURLParams] => -db=wpe_test.fmp12&-lay=data&-max=3&-findall [invalidXMLChars] => Array ( [0] =>  [1] =>  [2] =>  ) [UTF8SpecialChars] => Array ( [0] => |([Â-ß])([€-¿])|e [1] => |(à)([ -¿])([€-¿])|e [2] => |([á-ï])([€-¿])([€-¿])|e [3] => |(ð)([-¿])([€-¿])([€-¿])|e [4] => |([ñ-ó])([€-¿])([€-¿])([€-¿])|e [5] => |(ô)([€-])([€-¿])([€-¿])|e ) [UTF8HTMLEntities] => Array ( [0] => $this->FX->BuildExtendedChar('\1','\2') [1] => $this->FX->BuildExtendedChar('\1','\2','\3') [2] => $this->FX->BuildExtendedChar('\1','\2','\3') [3] => $this->FX->BuildExtendedChar('\1','\2','\3','\4') [4] => $this->FX->BuildExtendedChar('\1','\2','\3','\4') [5] => $this->FX->BuildExtendedChar('\1','\2','\3','\4') ) [FX] => FX Object ( [dataServer] => localhost [dataServerType] => fmpro [dataServerVersion] => 7 [dataPort] => 80 [dataPortSuffix] => :80 [urlScheme] => http [useSSLProtocol] => [verifyPeer] => 1 [database] => wpe_test.fmp12 [layout] => data [responseLayout] => [groupSize] => 3 [currentSkip] => 0 [defaultOperator] => bw [findquerynumber] => 1 [findquerystring] => [dataParams] => Array ( ) [sortParams] => Array ( ) [actionArray] => Array ( [-delete] => -delete [-dup] => -dup [-edit] => -edit [-find] => -find [-findall] => -findall [-findany] => -findany [-findquery] => -findquery [-new] => -new [-view] => -view [-dbnames] => -dbnames [-layoutnames] => -layoutnames [-scriptnames] => -scriptnames [-sqlquery] => -sqlquery [delete] => -delete [duplicate] => -dup [update] => -edit [perform_find] => -find [show_all] => -findall [show_any] => -findany [new] => -new [view_layout_objects] => -view [view_database_names] => -dbnames [view_layout_names] => -layoutnames [view_script_names] => -scriptnames ) [primaryKeyField] => [modifyDateField] => [dataKeySeparator] => [fuzzyKeyLogic] => [genericKeys] => [selectColsSet] => [selectColumns] => [fieldInfo] => Array ( ) [currentData] => Array ( ) [valueLists] => Array ( ) [totalRecordCount] => -1 [foundCount] => -1 [dateFormat] => [timeFormat] => [dataQuery] => [charSet] => [dataParamsEncoding] => [remainNames] => Array ( ) [remainNamesReverse] => Array ( ) [portalAsRecord] => [usePortalIDs] => [fieldCount] => 0 [fxError] => No Action Taken [errorTracking] => 0 [useInnerArray] => 1 [useComma2Period] => [DBUser] => web [DBPassword] => pass [userPass] => web:pass@ [defaultPostPolicy] => 1 [isPostQuery] => 1 [defaultFOpenPolicy] => [isFOpenQuery] => [useCURL] => 1 [customPrimaryKey] => [lastLinkPrevious] => [lastLinkNext] => [lastFoundCount] => -2 [lastFields] => Array ( ) [lastURL] => [lastQuery] => [lastQueryParams] => Array ( ) [lastErrorCode] => -2 [lastValueLists] => Array ( ) [lastDebugMessage] =>

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