[FX.php List] [OFF] mPDF snafu

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Tue Apr 30 10:30:07 MDT 2013

I have a site I wrote for a client, which generates PDFs from their IWP site. Works great here on my machine running FMSA 11 and OS X Server.


When I put the site on their machine I get my database query results, but if I include the mpdf.php page, the page never finishes loading.

I can even just include the mpdf folder, but not render a PDF, and it never finishes loading the page; it craps out if i uncomment 'include('mpdf/mpdf.php');

Has anyone had this problem? Could this be a PHP prefs error of some sort?



Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions LLC
bob at longtermsolutions.com
FileMaker 9, 10 & 11 Certified Developer
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