[FX.php List] [Probably OFF] What happened to my $_POST array?

Troy Meyers tcmeyers at troymeyers.com
Sat Jun 23 12:58:07 MDT 2012

I've been doing some online reading, and it seems like using spaces in the name="" element is not 'legal'. At least that's what some say. If that's the case then I've got some fixing to do elsewhere in my PHP code too.

What I don't get is why it used to work! Maybe a "security update" changed web browsers so that THEY convert a POST element names with spaces into ones with underscores?

Anyway, before I go and change everything, could someone weigh in on whether this really is improper?

Luckily, I figured out a couple of regex to help me find instances:

For the name="" elements that contain spaces:
 name="[^"]*[ ][^"]*"

For the $_POST[''] etc. elements that contain spaces, on the receiving end:
\$_(POST|GET|REQUEST)\['[^']*[ ][^']*'\]

I don't want to jump right in and attack this if it's a bum-steer, who knows what other troubles I might introduce. Any thoughts?


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