[FX.php List] Sending carriage returns within a string into FM field

Tim 'Webko' Booth tim at nicheit.com.au
Wed Mar 2 17:58:08 MST 2011

Dear Bob,

> Nope, didn't work; I got
> merchandise\rtaxexempt
> which is the same as what I get when I use both. I could've sworn it  
> was \r\n, but that doesn't work either.
> My last little thing to get before i turn this loose on testers...  
> argh...

Just tested this, and I'm getting the result on multiple lines:

		$postObj = new FX($dbHost,$port,$dbType,$conType);
		$postObj -> setDBPassword($dbPass,$dbUser);
		$postObj -> setDBData($dbName,'LAYOUT');
		$postObj -> AddDBParam('Referrer', "merchandise\rtaxempt" );
		$postData = $postObj->FMNew();

I'll note that the " make a difference - using ' gets me your result...



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