[FX.php List] 413 Request Entity Too Large

Gareth Evans Gareth.Evans at schawk.com
Thu Aug 4 11:57:24 MDT 2011

Is it possible the new server is sending the data as both POST and GET?

I would add the LimitRquestLine directive to your httpd.conf on the
filemaker server with a high value as a test. The value is in bytes per
the docs.


On 11-08-04 1:21 PM, "Wes Plate" <wes at automaticduck.com> wrote:

>Thanks for the PHP snippet.  It writes an empty file, maybe because
>Apache barfs on the POST before PHP gets a chance to get what was sent?
>My web host support people think that the 406 error is secondary to the
>413 error.  Do you have any thoughts on error 413?
>Thank you all for your indulgence on this issue, I'm royally screwed here.
>Wes Plate
> wes at automaticduck.com
>  http://www.automaticduck.com/
>On Aug 4, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Gareth Evans wrote:
>> The 406 error might be a clue. A 406 is returned by the server when it
>> can't respond based on accepting the request headers. Maybe your
>> server is set to only accept XML, but your new server is sending it as
>> text.
>> As for inspecting the POST request, you can try something like:
>> $input = file_get_contents("php://input");
>> file_put_contents('input.txt', $input);
>> On 11-08-04 11:36 AM, "Wes Plate" <wes at automaticduck.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you to everyone considering our problem.
>>> Our online store (hosted by our web host) sends XML data to a PHP
>>> running on our FileMaker Server, which in turn uses FX.php to put the
>>> data into FileMaker.
>>> The data is being sent as POST, here's a line from the FileMaker server
>>> Apache access_log...
>>> - - [04/Aug/2011:07:30:38 -0700] "POST /miva.php
>>> 406 -
>>> and this from the error_log...
>>> [Thu Aug 04 07:30:38 2011] [error] [client] Invalid
>>> Content-Length
>>> php.ini says "post_max_size = 8M" which should be plenty, no?  The
>>> of data in the XML being sent is relatively tiny.  httpd.conf didn't
>>> a LimitRequestLine line.
>>> Suggestions for inspecting the POST request that is being sent by the
>>> host?  I'm wondering if I could try posting the XML to a PHP page that
>>> writes the incoming request to a file so we can look at it.  But I'm
>>> an advanced user.
>>> -- 
>>> Wes Plate
>>> wes at automaticduck.com
>>> http://www.automaticduck.com/
>>> On Aug 3, 2011, at 8:23 PM, Gareth Evans wrote:
>>>> It might be the reverse of what Tim said, your new server could be
>>>> sending more data in the request (ie extra headers, cookies etc). I'd
>>>> look at increasing the limits on your existing server to see if that
>>>> fixes it. post_max_size in php.ini and LimitRequestLine in httpd.conf
>>>> are good places to start.
>>> On Aug 4, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Chris Hansen wrote:
>>>> Wes, I'm a little unclear about how this works...  Generally FX.php IS
>>>> the entity sending FileMaker Pro the XML.
>>>> One thing that I did note from the message is that data is being sent
>>>> via GET rather than POST.  As different servers have different
>>>> in this area, it's not surprising that you'd see an error.  Tim is
>>>> right, either you need to configure the server producing the error to
>>>> accept larger GET requests, or you need to send the data via post.
>>>> HTH
>>>> --Chris Hansen
>>>> FileMaker 7/8/9 Certified Developer
>>>> Creator of FX.php
>>>> "The best way from FileMaker to the Web."
>>>> www.iViking.org
>>>> On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Wes Plate wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, but the receiving server is the same, what changed is the
>>>>> server sending the XML.   I'm sorry I was unclear.  FileMaker Server
>>>>> running FX.php is unchanged.
>>>>> On Aug 3, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Tim 'Webko' Booth wrote:
>>>>>>> Our company's online store sends order info as XML to our FileMaker
>>>>>>> Server via fx.php, it has worked well for about 4.5 years.  Today
>>>>>>> web host moved our account to a new server and this perfect system
>>>>>>> stopped working.  I'm working with their support but so for they
>>>>>>> stymied.
>>>>>> I'd guess that the new server doesn't allow requests as large as the
>>>>>> old server. It's probably set in the Apache config rather than the
>>>>>> php.ini - I am not an Apache config expert, so can't say where to
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Wes Plate
>>>>> wes at automaticduck.com
>>>>> http://www.automaticduck.com/
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