[FX.php List] [Off] Obtaining daylight vs standard time within FileMaker

Troy Meyers tcmeyers at troymeyers.com
Fri Nov 19 05:50:31 MST 2010


All of our email is sent and received from within FileMaker so that the messages are associated with the customer records, product records, etc. after parsing. The FileMaker plugin that handles the mail sending now requires that I compose the Date header item using a script. The Date header item is a timestamp in this form:
  Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 04:32:42 -0800
... which I create with some text calculations in FileMaker. The "-0800" part must either be that, or "-0700" when we are in Daylight Savings Time.

If I don't set this heading using a script, then the mail is sent undated, which is a problem.

So, the reason for needing to know if it's currently Standard or Daylight time (from the OS or wherever) is so that I can supply the correct time zone code in the Date header without manually changing the script if the shift-date is changed.


> I am not sure, but AFAIK, that part is not an application task, but an
> OS task.
> What is the purpose of knowing this?
> ggt

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