[FX.php List] FX and Editing Global Fields

Head Honcho headhoncho at customikesolutions.com
Mon Nov 15 18:27:36 MST 2010

Hi Bradley,

The global field is set for "that person"... ie that session of the web user.

As has been mentioned... the web is stateless, so you won't ever see in FileMaker client what the global was set to... that is a different user.

So... globals can be used, eg to set up a relationship, and the related set is returned (I have done this many times), but it is not able to be used by any other web user, or FileMaker client.

Hope this helps, somewhat.


Michael Ward
Head Honcho, CustoMike Solutions
Member, FileMaker Business Alliance & FileMaker Technical Network
FileMaker 7, 8, 9 & 10 Certified Developer
ph 0414 562 501
headhoncho at customikesolutions.com

On 16/11/2010, at 11:55 AM, Bradley Creamer wrote:

> Hi Karstyn,
> Here's the instruction set from the "Function Reference for FX.php":
> SetFMGlobal ($globalFieldName, $globalFieldValue)
> This function is FileMaker 7 specific and is equivalent to appending ".global" to a field name in order
> to set a global field. In order to ensure that a global is set in FIleMaker 7 (before performing a script,
> for example), use this function instead of AddDBParam() to set the global field.
> >> The $globalFieldName parameter should contain the name of the FileMaker global field to be
> set.
> >> The value passed via $globalFieldValue will be stored in the specified global field before other
> FileMaker actions are performed.
> That's all I can find. So, my expectations of this function is to "set" the global field permanently regardless of session. I know that FMP11 handles things much differently than FMP6, but why would the DB reset the value of a global field when it's asked so specifically change that value?
> Regardless of my intent, where does it say globals are set on a per-session only, then revert?
> I did find this from FileMaker's CWP documentation:
> For direct XML requests and requests made via XSLT stylesheets that don’t use sessions, the global values expire immediately after the request is made. For requests made via an XSLT stylesheet that use sessions, the global values persist for the duration of the session defined in the stylesheet, or until they are changed again with another request.
> I seriously don't understand this behavior. Does anyone know of a work-around that makes the NEW global field value persist using XML?
> Thanks,
> Bradley
> On 11/15/2010 4:41 PM, Karstyn McCoy wrote:
>> Hi Bradley,
>> Just to expand on this a bit, PHP can pull data from a global field, but it will default to the value that was stored while the database was last opened in single user mode.
>> Remember that global fields are user session specific, so they can behave much different from the web then they may from a FM client. As Tim just mentioned the value may be set correctly, but each new PHP query starts a new user session, so you will not get the last value you set.
>> It may help to know the broader issue you are trying to solve.
>> --Karstyn
>> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Tim 'Webko' Booth <tim at nicheit.com.au> wrote:
>> On 16/11/2010, at 11:25 AM, Bradley Creamer wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I'm specifically asking you this question because I found your post at:
>>> http://filemaker.463488.n4.nabble.com/Set-Global-Field-in-FileMaker-from-PHP-td2324363.html
>>> ... where you say that FX works when editing a global field. 
>>> I haven't been successful. 
>> How do you know that? 
>> It may well be edited, but the next request you make effectively re-logs the web user in (the web is stateless...) so that the global will be rest to default... at least, that is my understanding...
>> Now, my question - what are you trying to use a global field to do?
>> Cheers
>> Webko
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