[FX.php List] Do your Web Publishing Accounts show up in FMS as Clients?

Jonathan Schwartz jschwartz at exit445.com
Tue Jun 15 08:17:31 MDT 2010

I have done some more observation.

I have one Windows implementation and many OS X ones.  I see the web 
users appear much more frequently in the Windows implementation.  I 
see the same on the Mac side only when the system is bogged down.

Not the Red flag I thought it was.


At 9:05 AM -0500 6/15/10, Bob Patin wrote:
>Yes, I see the user, and that's because he *is* a user when someone 
>is doing a FileMaker transaction.
>However, you shouldn't be seeing multiple occurrences, I believe, 
>unless multiple requests result in multiple users during that time 
>(don't know about that). I've seen my web user acct. in FMS many 
>times though, and it's never been a problem.
>If I were to guess, I'd say that each separate user on the web app 
>invokes his own instance of the user, so if you have  3 people doing 
>queries, you may see 3 users for a period of time. How long that 
>user persists, I'm not sure; if I get some time I'll do some tests...
>Bob Patin
>Bob Patin
>Longterm Solutions
><mailto:bob at longtermsolutions.com>bob at longtermsolutions.com
>iChat: bobpatin
>FileMaker 9 & 10 Certified Developer
>Member of FileMaker Business Alliance and FileMaker TechNet
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>On Jun 14, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Jonathan Schwartz wrote:
>>In the FM Serve Console, where you see regular FMP users listed as 
>>being logged in to hosted FMP files, do you see occurrences of the 
>>accounts dedicated sole to FM Custom Web publishing?
>>I do sometimes, and I suspect that it is a sign of trouble.
>>I am guessing that FMS ignores the split second connects that FM 
>>CWP usually makes, but when the connection persists (such as when 
>>there is a slow down or something has hung) they do appear.
>>So, when I go looking for why FMS is sluggish or stopped, seeing 
>>multiple occurrences of my dedicated FMP CWP accounts is surely a 
>>confirmation that something is wrong.
>>BTW...disconnecting the clients usually frees things up.
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Jonathan Schwartz
Exit 445 Group
jonathan at exit445.com
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