[FX.php List] fx and caching

david weiner 1265 at lucerneblvd.org
Wed Oct 14 15:58:35 MDT 2009

Hello list,
I see that there is some kind of a caching mechanism planned for FX  
but it's not able to be shown on the demo site.

I'm trying to work out a conflict between FX generated pages and the  
Drupal content management system that keeps Drupal site search and the  
internal Drupal cron function from being able to run on FX based nodes  
with repeating terms. (i.e. Two pages with the word "filemaker" will  
cause a fatal error when run through Drupal's search and cron  

There are a couple of options we are looking at, but the one that is  
probably easiest for all kinds of reasons would be to run the FX.php  
code through some call and store the results in a MySQL table that  
Drupal could then access and call into a node. I'm wondering if the FX  
Cache function could be used for this and if anyone else has another  
straightforward idea for how to accomplish this.


ps: doing a google search for "fx php" gives the site summary that  
credits a hack to the site, I hope everything got recovered ok from  
whenever that happened.

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