[FX.php List] Back on the trail of automating database management

Steve Winter steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz
Fri Jun 19 06:25:08 MDT 2009

User data meaning the content of the fields/records/tables which the  
users of the solutions have entered...


On 19 Jun 2009, at 10:51, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:

> User data meaning what?
> FileMaker user account?
> or user data in a table in FileMaker?
> ggt
> 2009/6/19 Steve Winter <steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz>:
>> Hi ggt,
>> That's what I do to roll out the solution to a new instance, and  
>> that works
>> really well... the shell script then calls the FMS command line  
>> tool and
>> opens the database as well which allows for an activation process  
>> which can
>> be undertaken by sending a text message, which is great...
>> But how would I do that and maintain user data... each of these  
>> instances
>> begins as a clone (via the above process) of a template database,  
>> but how
>> would I replace that templated database and maintain the user  
>> data...? I
>> guess I could develop a migration script which reads each record,  
>> from each
>> table of the 'old' structured database, and pushes it into the 'new'
>> structured database, but this is a BIG solution, with tens of  
>> thousands of
>> records in several of the tables....??....??? I can see issues with
>> auto-entered serial numbers at the very least with that idea  
>> (though it's
>> currently the best one around so, thanks....)
>> Any other thoughts on this...?? having to manually create the same  
>> table,
>> with the same fields over and over again is doing my head in ;-)
>> Thanks
>> Steve
>> On 19 Jun 2009, at 08:55, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:
>> Do you have php on the FMSA itself?
>> I would write a php script that executes a shell script that
>> duplicates a template file in the server folder.
>> ggt667
>> 2009/6/19 Steve Winter <steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz>:
>> Hi all,
>> I've floated versions of this concept up in the past, but I'm back  
>> in need
>> of a way to automate the creation of a new table in 50+ instances  
>> of a
>> database solution which I develop and manage for a client...
>> What I want to be able to do is to create a new table, complete  
>> with field
>> definitions through a script called via FX....
>> This seems like something of a tall order, and to date has proved
>> impossible... I looked at importing a table from a 'master'  
>> database, but FM
>> won't allow the file or the table to be passed as parameters (or  
>> even set in
>> globals) for the script...
>> Recently I was looking at the XML import function and that looks very
>> promising because I can tell the script to look for an XML file on  
>> my server
>> called 'newTable.xml' (for example) and then modify that...  
>> everything along
>> that line works really well except that the table ends up called  
>> 'XML import
>> from http'. NOT very user-friendly...
>> So, does anyone have any clue as to how I set the table name  
>> through and XML
>> import...? or any other ideas on how I can go about making structural
>> changes to databases using scripts...? (the desire to do this grows  
>> the more
>> this solution is implemented, the more features are added, and the  
>> more I
>> work with MySQL where you can define everything about the database  
>> through
>> php ;-)
>> Thanks for any thoughts...
>> Cheers
>> Steve
>> Steve Winter
>> steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz
>> m: +44 77 7852 4776
>> 3 Calshot Court, Channel Way
>> Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3GR
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>> Steve Winter
>> steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz
>> m: +44 77 7852 4776
>> 3 Calshot Court, Channel Way
>> Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3GR
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Steve Winter
steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz
m: +44 77 7852 4776
3 Calshot Court, Channel Way
Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3GR

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