[FX.php List] Very very odd behavior

Jonathan Schwartz jschwartz at exit445.com
Sat Jul 11 20:41:13 MDT 2009

Brilliant, David!

I wasn't present for the restart, so I can't say. However, here is 
message from (non-tech) person  who was:

>Servers got turned on. SDR01 still takes 20 minutes applying network
>settings and SDR02 said simething like: One or more drivers or
>programs did not commence during startup. Check event log for

Perhaps this suggests what you suspect.

Will look into it further .

Thanks again.


At 5:53 PM -0700 7/11/09, david weiner wrote:
>Are the databases on a local or external disk? Are there any shared 
>directories on that same disk? (I'm assuming that the filemaker data 
>directory is not shared.)
>Restarting an entire network is often weird, but more to the point, 
>restarting Windows servers cold with a lot of shared space is pretty 
>time consuming and maybe the FMS service came up before the disk was 
>fully ready and that caused a weird permissions situation. I could 
>see how having the Server start before the disk is 100% ready could 
>put you in weird situation - I'm sure FMI would be interested in 
>hearing about this since it really shouldn't happen.
>- David
>On Jul 11, 2009, at 5:37 PM, Jonathan Schwartz wrote:
>>Hi Folks,
>>Just had a hectic 2 hours that I thought that I would share....
>>Environment is Windows Server 2008/FMS10 with API (not fx.php), but 
>>I'm not sure it matters.
>>Client was installing an emergency generator system and scheduled a 
>>shutdown of all power in the building.  All systems were shut down 
>>gracefully.  When the generator work was done, the FMS10 server was 
>>brought up without event. The Filemaker file could be accessed 
>>locally (within the building), but it soon became evident that 
>>access from the outside was not available at all.  No FMP Remote 
>>use nor Custom Web Publishing.  It was determined that the T-1 line 
>>was the problem (not sure how or why) and once corrected(?) , 
>>remote FMP and Custom Web publishing returned...or so we thought.
>>It took 5 hours to realize the following very odd behavior:
>>	- Native FileMaker would perform normally: Read, Write, 
>>Create, Delete, etc.
>>	- CWP would only Read. It would not Write, Create, Add or 
>>Delete...and.... WOULD NOT THROW ERRORS!  PHP scripts were humming 
>>along oblivious to the fact that records were not being edited, 
>>created, etc.  We knew there was a problem only when we noted that 
>>no new records had been created in 5 hours, when there should have 
>>been dozens.
>>After 2 hours of troubleshooting, without result, we resorted to 
>>restarting FileMaker Services, FileMaker Server and Web Publishing 
>>Engine. That put things back on track and the system started 
>>behaving normally again.
>>Wha happened?
>>Jonathan Schwartz
>>Exit 445 Group
>>jonathan at exit445.com
>>FX.php_List mailing list
>>FX.php_List at mail.iviking.org
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Jonathan Schwartz
Exit 445 Group
jonathan at exit445.com

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