[FX.php List] Basic help

Gjermund Gusland Thorsen ggt667 at gmail.com
Wed May 28 13:20:19 MDT 2008

strip off asterisk from environmental variable before the query,
it's as simple as that


2008/5/28 Troy Meyers <tcmeyers at troymeyers.com>:
> Andrew, quite right! Simpler is better, but the only problem is that a hacker might (suspecting that method) put:
> "bob@*.com
> ...in as the email address. The " ends the literal and then wildcard works.
> -Troy
>> Putting the email in double quotes should solve the wildcard issue
>> without having to use preg.  This does a field content match (==) on the
>> literal text ("").
>> $query->AddDBParam('email','=="'.$email.'"');
>> Andrew Denman
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