[FX.php List] posting an email address

Roger Price rp272 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Apr 14 13:11:49 MDT 2008

I'm sure that this query must have been answered ad nauseam but I'm afraid I missed those exchanges.
I wish to use an email address as a primary key to a FileMaker table.

name at domain.co.uk is entered into a record that I wish to search for. I know it's stored as expected but the query seems to URL encode the '@'  to '%40' and so the record is not found. How should I structure my query and what about saving an email address using FX.php?

Roger Price                                  INSTITUTE OF CRIMINOLOGY
IT Officer,                                           Sidgwick Avenue
rp272 at cam.ac.uk                                    Cambridge, CB3 9DT
                                                    Tel: 01223 762989

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