[FX.php List] [OFF] API Equivalent for Grabbing RECID

Jonathan Schwartz jschwartz at exit445.com
Thu Apr 3 13:47:43 MDT 2008

Here's my 2¢...

I came along at a point just prior to the API 
making it on the scene, using fx.php.  I had 
bandwidth for only one technology and I stuck 
with fx.php.  A year or so later, with the API 
now gaining visibility , and with my fx.php and 
PHP skills in a steady state, I finally have time 
to try it out and at least be aware of the 

A colleague asked for my help with his client's 
API project.  It came at a great time, forcing me 
to crack open the manual.  Now, I am starting to 
develop some perspective on the differences.  I'm 
in a better position to advise future clients to 
implement with fx.php, rather than shrug my 
shoulders and have that big question mark float 
above my head.

I save the shrug for better uses. ;-)


At 8:33 PM +0200 4/3/08, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:
>  >  In the FileMaker industry there are tons of people using the API, whether
>>  it's better or not... who cares, I want a piece of that pie too.
>Fair enough
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Jonathan Schwartz
Exit 445 Group
jonathan at exit445.com

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