[FX.php List] [OFF] API Equivalent for Grabbing RECID

Leo R. Lundgren leo at finalresort.org
Thu Apr 3 01:22:35 MDT 2008

If you look at the API reference (included with the package, I think.  
Might be on the server CD), you'll see that for the Filemaker_Record  
class there is a method called getRecordId(). From the reference  
(slightly rearranged):

	getRecordId (line 183)
	integer getRecordId ()
	Returns the record ID of this object.

	return: Record ID.

A record instance is of course what you get when looping through the  
records from a result you got from a query to the database.


3 apr 2008 kl. 00.12 skrev Jonathan Schwartz:
> Hi Folks,
> I'm helping a colleague with their first PHP project, but they are  
> using the FMP API.
> I can't make heads or tails of the API interface.
> Can someone clue me in how to grab the recid after creating a  
> record? I need it to edit the record later in the session.
> The existing code for creating the record looks like this:
> if(!isset($_SESSION['recordcreated']))
> {
> $add_result_add = $customer->newAddCommand('CU_Web_Customer');
> $add_result_fields = array('Shipping_Contact_First_Name'=>$_POST 
> ['Shipping_Contact_First_Name'],'Shipping_Contact_Last_Name'=>$_POST 
> ['Shipping_Contact_Last_Name'],'Login_Name'=>$_POST 
> ['Login_Name'],'Password'=>$_POST['Password'],'Promotion_Code'=> 
> $_POST['Promotion_Code'],'Shipping_Email'=>$_POST['Shipping_Email'],);
> foreach($add_result_fields as $key=>$value) {
>     $add_result_add->setField($key,$value);
> }
> $add_result_result = $add_result_add->execute();
> if(FileMaker::isError($add_result_result)) fmsTrapError 
> ($add_result_result,"error.php");
> $add_result_row = current($add_result_result->getRecords());
> Thanks.
> Jonathan
> -- 
> Jonathan Schwartz
> Exit 445 Group
> jonathan at exit445.com
> http://www.exit445.com
> 415-381-1852
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