[FX.php List] Using cookies/not using cookies

Erik Andreas Cayré erik at cayre.dk
Tue May 15 16:48:13 MDT 2007

Den 16/05/2007 kl. 0.25 skrev Bob Patin:

> Does anyone know
> a) if I turn off "session.use_cookies" will I still be able to use  
> session variables, and if so, where do they get stored on the  
> client's browser?

I'm not certain, but I think the session id will be put into the url...

> b) how would I do that in OS X Server (I can use Terminal, but  
> minimally... )?

You can edit the php.ini file with BBedit, TextWrangler or any other  
good text editor.
The location of the file is specified in the output of phpinfo() (I  

Erik Andreas Cayré
Spangsbjerg Møllevej 169
6705 Esbjerg Ø

Privat Tel: 75150512
Mobil: 40161183

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--Stanley Kubrick

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