[FX.php List] GET vs. POST in a web app

Derrick Fogle derrick at fogles.net
Fri May 4 10:23:22 MDT 2007

1. Throw in all the nocache stuff you can, forcing the user to use  
your navigation instead of the browser's back button. Annoys the hell  
out of users.

2. Use a combination of pre-processing, sessions, and redirects. That  
way a refresh will just refresh a simple URL (and all the data that's  
needed for the page comes from sessions), and a back button will send  
them all the way back to another page where, again, session data  
determines what goes on the page.

As others have opined, using GET for anything more than paging and  
maybe a simple recid is suicide.

On May 4, 2007, at 11:10 AM, Bob Patin wrote:

> Before you tell me, I know and agree that using GETs like this is  
> an awful idea, but the client (the end-user) is concerned about how  
> the BACK button causes problems. How do you guys get around this,  
> or do you?

Derrick Fogle
derrick at fogles.net

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