[FX.php List] Multiple WPE connections to a single FMSA machine?

Bob Patin bob at patin.com
Fri May 4 06:50:22 MDT 2007

Ah well, unless it's in the next couple of days I won't have a use  
for it. I just need it long enough to migrate my PHP sites over to  
the new server.


Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions
bob at longtermsolutions.com

      AIM or iChat: longterm1954
      Yahoo: longterm_solutions
      MSN: tech at longtermsolutions.com
      ICQ: 159333060

On May 4, 2007, at 5:52 AM, Gjermund Gusland Thorsen wrote:

> Dolphin Interconnect( www.dolphinics.com ) will release a new
> midleware that will allow you to run several computers as one,
> virtually, then it will not be a need for several licenses.
> ggt667
> On 5/4/07, Bob Patin <bob at patin.com> wrote:
>> That makes sense, since FM Admin has a portal-like structure  
>> there, and also
>> the heading "FileMaker Web Publishing Engines" (note the plural).
>> I haven't been able to get any clear answer to this conundrum; the  
>> FM person
>> I spoke with today said that a single FMSA license allows use of a  
>> single
>> install of WPE, but I neglected, in my haste to get off the phone,  
>> to ask
>> him *how* one would install more than one license code into FMSA.  
>> From what
>> I can see, there is no way to enter more than one install code  
>> into FMSA.
>> Since I have a developer's code for FMSA, I was going to put it in  
>> just long
>> enough to migrate all my sites, but I guess I'll bite the bullet  
>> now and
>> move them all early tomorrow morning before things get cranked up.
>> Theoretically it ought to be smooth as silk, since I've already  
>> put all the
>> sites onto the web server; all that would remain would be to  
>> change all the
>> DNS for the various domain names, and then they ought to start  
>> working
>> again.
>> The only question remaining is how to "disconnect" the old server  
>> so that
>> WPE on the new server would be allowed to connect; anyone have any  
>> thoughts
>> about that, other than shutting the machine down (which I would  
>> rather not
>> do because of the CDML sites on that machine)?
>> Bob Patin
>> Longterm Solutions
>> bob at longtermsolutions.com
>> 615-333-6858
>> http://www.longtermsolutions.com
>>      AIM or iChat: longterm1954
>>      Yahoo: longterm_solutions
>>      MSN: tech at longtermsolutions.com
>>      ICQ: 159333060
>> On May 3, 2007, at 8:33 PM, Dale Bengston wrote:
>> I recall seeing an FMI person demo this at DevCon when v7 came  
>> out. They
>> said you could only have one WPE per FMSA, but "look at all that  
>> space for
>> some day" or something like that. So I think it's probably  
>> feasible, but not
>> a feature they've finished and/or opened up to the installed base.  
>> Maybe
>> some day, maybe never.
>> Dale
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