[FX.php List] Re: second find request

Someone someone at gagayaya.com
Thu Jun 28 15:26:24 MDT 2007

HI Gjermund,
Yes I know Filemaker
Another Filemaker developed the Filemaker app
Therefore contact table has the following fields
Section1 , Row1 ,Seat1
Section2 , Row2 ,Seat2

I just show you this sql statement hoping to clarify what search I  
wanted to do
>> SQL equivalent
>> SELECT * FROM customer WHERE (section1=102 AND row1=12 AND seat1=14)
>> OR (section2=102 AND row2=12 AND seat2=14)

Just want to have 2 find request with 3 fields search on each request
I haven't seen a better way than the calculation method described before

> It has the possibility to have several values in one field  
> separated by newline.
> $rows = array( 6, 17 );
> pseudoFieldRow = implode( "\n", $rows );

Thanks Frank

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