[FX.php List] [OT] FM 9 Bug?

Tom Sepper tsepper at directorschoice.travel
Fri Jul 13 15:19:21 MDT 2007

Well, there you go. At least I know that it's on purpose.

And what can I say.. I'm a guy. I don't read directions, instruction manuals, or readmes! ;)

Tom Sepper
Director of Information Technology
Director's Choice Tour & Travel

P 806.762.6354
F 806.763.7637

tsepper at directorschoice.travel

-----Original Message-----
From: fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org on behalf of Troy Meyers
Sent: Fri 7/13/2007 4:11 PM
To: FX.php Discussion List
Subject: Re: [FX.php List] [OT] FM 9 Bug?

I haven't tried this, but it was mentioned in the Read Me notes of FileMaker 9.

>From the "FMP Read Me (English).pdf" file:

     11.11.	 In the previous versions of FileMaker, some predicates in a
     relationship would be ignored if they had an empty value. This could
     result in finding records which don?t match the relationship
     criteria,  even finding all records in the related table. Predicates
     based on empty values will no longer match  to any other records. Any
     databases which depended on the old behavior will need to be modified
     to  use a different relational design. This change was made to match
     standard relational behavior in  SQL databases.

> I came across an odd bug in FileMaker 9 and was wondering if anyone
> could verify.
> Two tables. Table one has a calc field that simply has a numeral 1.
> Table two has a boolean number field; 1 indicates yes, null indicates
> no.  Relationship is if the calc 1 field does not equal the boolean
> field.  
> What I've discovered is that FileMaker now does not accept the null
> value in the relationship. No longer can you see from table 2 back to
> table 1.
> Table 1 is the many; table 2 is the one.
> Can anyone concur? 
> If so, this is a huge block in adapting FM 9 for my database solution.

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