[FX.php List] [Off] Not a valid path - for scheduled backups

Troy Meyers tcmeyers at troymeyers.com
Thu Dec 13 10:42:38 MST 2007

Just an update on my problem... it's gone.

FMI wasn't able to reproduce the problem where a FireWire-connected hard drive would come up as "Not a valid path" after rebooting the FMS9A machine. If you recall, the paths became valid and backups could occur only if I manually stopped then started Server using the FileMaker Server Admin Console. This needed to be done after every reboot or power-up for backups to be able to occur.

We just changed our FMS9A from a single-machine deployment to a two-machine deployment. The "not valid path" problem immediately went away. Perhaps FMI was testing for the bug on a two-machine deployment.

I'm not sure how changing the deployment could produce this happy outcome, but I'll take it!


> My understanding is the same as Bob's -- that backing up to an  
> external drive is "risky" because if the drive gets disconnected no  
> backups get made.  Perhaps with the new alerts in FMS9 this is not   *as
> big* an issue as pre-9, but I believe it's still FMI's   recommendation
> to backup locally.
> There's a good article by Wim Decorte about using shell scripts to  
> make remote zips of locally backed up files.  It includes a VBscript  
> for Windows and a link (at the end) to a shell script for OS X.  I   use
> the mac shell script in my development as well as at a couple   clients'
> and it works great.
> http://www.connectingdata.com/MoreBackups_v2.pdf
> -Joel

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