[FX.php List] This was supposed to be easy

Jonathan Schwartz jschwartz at exit445.com
Wed Dec 5 00:12:56 MST 2007

Hmmmm...this was supposed to be the *least* of my worries.  Now, it's 
a show-stopper.

For one of my student/sports registration projects, I agreed 
(volunteered) to  suspend the regular web based system during their 
face-to-face events and and instead, run the solution completely 
locally using a small ethernet network.  The primary reason is that 
there is no internet access at the site. We wanted to be able to use 
the db of folks who had already registered, plus register walkins. 
One the session was over, I would put the db back online.

The existing system is running on OS X Tiger Server with php 5 and 
FMSA 8.04 on g4 mac minis.

I thought that I would just run the solution on my MacBookPro. The 
event is tomorrow night. I started installing FMSA 8.0 on the 
MacBookPro and that's where the fun began.  While the 8.02 installed 
from the CD, the 8.0v4 updates to both server and Web Engine would 
not install, citing that they were not compatible with Intel.   Ooops.

So, I decided to repeat the same thing on my older PowerBookG4. 
Everything installed...but I've never seen so many php errors once I 
launched the solution. Missing index?

I'm starting to sweat at this point.

I've now "borrowed the kid's G4 Tower, wiped it, and am starting from 
scratch installing OS X server and essentially replicating the 
machine that now serves the solution online.

Should I have not assumed that I could run the solution from a 
regular OS X Tiger Intel laptop with FMSA 8.04 installed and using 
the built in Personal Web Publishing native to OS X?


Jonathan Schwartz
Exit 445 Group
jonathan at exit445.com

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