[FX.php List] one machine intallation

Gjermund Gusland Thorsen ggt667 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 12:12:30 MDT 2007

I used to have 3 files for the GUI and n files for the data and 2-3
files for data that was mainly used for looks up in my bigger
solutions back at the time when 5.5 was released.


On 4/26/07, Erik Andreas Cayré <erik at cayre.dk> wrote:
> Den 26/04/2007 kl. 17.14 skrev Gjermund Gusland Thorsen:
> > I have used that since FM 5.5,
> > and I'm not able to understand how you find the time to maintain a
> > system the old way.
> Are you saying that you have separated the UI from the data files
> since v5.5?
> I never thought of doing that (but I'm still just a self-taught
> amateur developer, ...been trying to get my employer to buy me FM
> cert for almost 2 years now)
> About the time: I have been arguing for the move up from FM6 since
> days after the release of FM7. I only just got the green light to
> move forward. I'm still not sure if my employer is thick, or my
> arguing was plain bad... (or both...!)
> ---
> Erik Andreas Cayré
> Spangsbjerg Møllevej 169
> 6705 Esbjerg Ø
> Privat Tel: 75150512
> Mobil: 40161183
> ---
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> -- John Wooden, basketball coach
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