[FX.php List] $useInnerArray

Dale Bengston dbengston at preservationstudio.com
Fri Apr 6 11:01:38 MDT 2007

No, it has nothing to do with simulating SQL syntax. From the  
FXFunctions.pdf (page 10):

 >> The final parameter, $useInnerArray, determines whether the  
returned data should make
allowance for repeating fields and/or portals.  This is discussed in  
greater detail in connection with
the FlattenInnerArray() function, above.

The discussion of FlattenInnerArray() is also on page 10:

By default, FX.php adds an inner layer to the returned array to allow  
for FileMaker repeating fields
and/or portals.  Since most fields on a layout usually do not fall  
into these criteria, often code to
display field data will have a trailing "[0]".  FlattenInnerArray()  
can be used to remove this inner layer
if desired, and so obviate the need for the trailing, bracketed  
zero.  This function has no associated

So, what it really means is without FlattenInnerArray() or  
$useInnerArray, your reference to a field's contents on a specific  
record would be:


...and with FlattenInnerArray() or $useInnerArray, it would be:



On Apr 6, 2007, at 11:53 AM, Vision Computer Consulting wrote:

> Is $useInnerArray similar to doing a SQL 'INNER JOIN'? If so, how  
> would you do an 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'?
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