[FX.php List] * and login

Andy Gaunt andy at fmpug.com
Tue Oct 31 06:40:03 MST 2006


Have you tried wrapping your search criteria in double quotes. In FileMaker
this would cause it to find the literal text.

In the example below the double quote is surrounded by a pair of single
quotes and the $variable is appended with a period (.)

	$lookup=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort,'FMPro7');
	$lookup->AddDBParam('Username','"'.$username.'"', 'eq');
	$lookup->AddDBParam('Password','"'.$password.'"', 'eq');


Andy Gaunt
Office: 321.206.3658
Mobile: 407.810.4722
andy at fmpug.com

2006 FileMaker Excellence Award Winner
Recipient of FileMaker's 2005 "Mad Dog" Public Relations Award

For chapter locations, dates & times please visit the website at
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-----Original Message-----
From: fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org
[mailto:fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org] On Behalf Of Alex Gates
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:26 AM
To: 'FX.php Discussion List'
Subject: [FX.php List] * and login

Hi everyone-

I've realized that my login can easily be compromised!  Thankfully I
figured this out early in the development process.

If I enter * for username and * for password, it logs me in as the
latest registered user.

This is my search syntax:

	$lookup=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort,'FMPro7');
	$lookup->AddDBParam('Username', $username, 'eq');
	$lookup->AddDBParam('Password', $password, 'eq');

I'm sorry if this has been covered - I searched the archives but I
didn't find anything.

Is there a way I can modify this search syntax so * can't be used for
username and password to log in?

Wow - I never realized this was a possibility... I just randomly tried
it this morning and was shocked at the result...

Thanks in advance!


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