[FX.php List] * and login

Alex Gates alex at gandrpublishing.com
Tue Oct 31 06:25:44 MST 2006

Hi everyone-

I've realized that my login can easily be compromised!  Thankfully I
figured this out early in the development process.

If I enter * for username and * for password, it logs me in as the
latest registered user.

This is my search syntax:

	$lookup=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort,'FMPro7');
	$lookup->AddDBParam('Username', $username, 'eq');
	$lookup->AddDBParam('Password', $password, 'eq');

I'm sorry if this has been covered - I searched the archives but I
didn't find anything.

Is there a way I can modify this search syntax so * can't be used for
username and password to log in?

Wow - I never realized this was a possibility... I just randomly tried
it this morning and was shocked at the result...

Thanks in advance!


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