[FX.php List] Updating Auto-Calc Text Fields!! GARR!!!

Chris Hansen chris at iViking.org
Sat Oct 14 23:12:31 MDT 2006

Okay, I'm not sure if this would work, but it should be worth a  
try...  Rather than setting the field directly, try setting a global  
(use SetFMGlobal() if you're using FileMaker 7 or later), and then  
call a FileMaker script to actually set the field...  Basically, I'm  
wondering if using a FileMaker script to do the work would be more  
dependable.  Let me know if this works as advertised.


--Chris Hansen
   FileMaker 7 Certified Developer
   Creator of FX.php
   "The best way from FileMaker to the Web."

On Oct 14, 2006, at 6:58 AM, David Tinoco wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I am having a lot of trouble with the FMEdit function, specifically  
> when trying to update an Auto-Calc Text Field.
> It edits the record and updates the field, but only sometimes  
> performs the calculation.
> My code is pretty straightforward.
> $newitem=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort);
> $newitem->SetDBData('XXXXXXXXXX.fp7','XXXXXXX');
> $newitem->SetDBPassword($webPW,$webUN);
> $newitem->AddDBParam('OriginalQty',$qty);
> $newitem->AddDBParam('Qty',$qty);
> $newitem->AddDBParam('-recid',$checkitemData['Line_ID'][0]);
> $newitemResult=$newitem->FMEdit();
> Qty is the auto-calc field. I have tried switching the order of  
> originalqty and qty but it does the same. Is there some way to  
> FORCE it to udpate the calculation?
> Thanks,
> David
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