[FX.php List] Disappointing results in migration to FM8 & FX.php

Andy Gaunt andy at fmpug.com
Sun Mar 19 16:39:12 MST 2006


Sounds like some cleanup is required on your php side.

Firstly, are you returning all 300+ records to the browser at once or using

What is your query or are you doing multiple?

Have you done tests with just the find itself or are you testing the writing
of the HTML to the page?

You should be able to return your data much quicker than that. Any chance of
sharing your code so we can take a peak and maybe then we can offer
suggestions as opposed to just asking more questions.

Andy Gaunt
T: 407.810.4722
andy at fmpug.com

Recipient of FileMaker's 2005 "Mad Dog" Public Relations Award

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-----Original Message-----
From: fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org
[mailto:fx.php_list-bounces at mail.iviking.org] On Behalf Of Bob Patin
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 6:33 PM
To: FX.php Discussion List
Subject: [FX.php List] Disappointing results in migration to FM8 & FX.php

I've got a database that has been online for years in FileMaker 6  
using CDML; the database is a series of articles, only about 360  
records. Some of the articles are rather long, but most are in the  
500-word range, if I were to guess.

I decided to migrate this client to FileMaker 8 and FX.php, so I have  
both databases on my servers, and can test the 2 side by side. Here  
are my extremely disappointing results:

This is a musician's union site, so almost all the articles have the  
word "music" in them. When I search for "music" in the databases,  
here are the times:

FM 6 Server/CDML: 4 seconds to find 340 records
FMSA 8/FX.php: 40 seconds to find 340 records

Same web server (Mac OS X Server Tiger), same network, different  
FileMaker server machines, of course, but the FM 6 Server is actually  
a much slower machine. The FM 6 databases are in a RAIC, which  
connects to FileMaker 6 Server.

I checked to make sure the field is indexed, which it is; I even  
tried creating a new layout with just the necessary fields on it. I  
saved a compacted version of the FM8 database, put it on the server;  
unfortunately, it didn't help much.

Any thoughts? Is this just the way it's going to be when searching  
long articles across several hundred records? If so, why it is so  
much slower in FX.php than it is in CDML?


Bob Patin
Longterm Solutions
bob at longtermsolutions.com

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