[FX.php List] PHP installer solution movie and help guide setup php and cURL in 5 Minutes

Derrick Fogle derrick at fogles.net
Tue Aug 22 10:17:41 MDT 2006

Ha ha! Good one. FMI was at least 3 years late to the market with a  
PHP API though, they'll be at least that late with a Ruby API too; I  
think we'll have to see the whole cycle of an "FR.php" product out  
for a few years, and years of people like me constantly filling their  
"ye olde suggestion box" with pleas to make it easy to use FM as a  
back-end to XXX server-side scripting language, before FMI will wake  
up and smell the API.

On Aug 22, 2006, at 10:59 AM, DC wrote:

> Um, do you remember CDML? Certainty of future support is a little  
> ironic, no? FM inc dropped CDML like a stone once PHP gathered  
> steam. What do you think will happen to the PHP API when Ruby takes  
> over the Server-side scripting market?

Derrick Fogle
derrick at fogles.net

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