[FX.php List] Passing Data 101...Again.

Jonathan Schwartz jonathan at eschwartz.com
Fri Sep 16 09:34:37 MDT 2005

Thanks, Micahel and Marisa!

Michael, I implemented your code changes and got the variable passed. 
Phew!  A bunch of monkeys at keyboards would have had better a chance 
of figuring that out, than me, at this point.

However, using recid doesn't seem to be a good idea in order to 
maintain security.  A user can easily see the recid on the browser 
address line and guess other users redid's.  The recid is only 5 
characters and they are assigned consecutively, I believe.

I was hoping that the screens following the Log On would work only 
for the record which met the log on criteria: Username and password. 
Now, I did have sessions.fp5 in the mix, but ran into problems, so I 
commented it out. I didn't see how sessions mattered in my case.

So, now that I have this working in principle, what would you suggest 
to get it where it needs to be.  Perhaps changing the passed variable 
to username= and password=.

BTW, I'm not married to any code you see.  I just copied what I could 
find.  I'm guessing that the refresh is not the best way to go.

Thanks again.


At 8:55 AM -0400 9/16/05, Michael Layne wrote:
>I'm not 100%, and when I can , I'll mirror your code and test, but...
>likely problem:
>In Login_Validate.php you are refreshing to Detail.php, right?  
>Detail.php is expecting a variable ($_GET[recid] - which BTW I think 
>should be $_GET['recid'])... but you're not passing that variable.
>Your refresh - if it is working is:    echo "<meta 
>http-equiv=refresh content=\"1;url=detail.php\">";
>You need to come up with the real internal "recID" if that's what 
>you're using, but you can find on any unique field/fields.  keyword 
>-recid is only required for FMEdit() and FMDelete().  the long way 
>to come up with this is:
>$recID = current($result['data']);
>$internal = explode ('.', key($result['data']));
>$internalRecID = $internal[0];  // this works, but I know always 
>create a calc field called "recid" and make it Get (RecordID) - in 
>5/6 CurrentRecordID?
>I would make it:     echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh 
>content=\"1;url=detail.php?recid=" . $internalRecID . "\">";
>It's the only way to get a variable passed to $_GET[...]
>I know that example you are using (DogWalk). I  found that example 
>to be a bit confusing, and it can be much easier.  If you are ever 
>interested, I have built several solutions doing exactly what you 
>are trying to do...
>HTH and good luck!
>On Sep 16, 2005, at 3:23 AM, Jonathan Schwartz wrote:
>>>BTW, the "really simple answer" is different for different people.
>>>You run the risk of offending someone trying to help, and probably 
>>>can if they are responding.  Just a friendly comment....
>>Sorry for the inappropriate words.  You're 100% right.  I'm a 
>>little tired and frustrated.
>>Here are the three pages of code: Logon.php, Logon_Validate.php and 
>>Detail.php.    The third page, Detail.php was lifted from another 
>>solution and has extraneous functionality.  In short, I want to 
>>create a "secure" solution where users can access their own 
>>records, but not guess URL that can access other's records.
>>Thanks for the help.
>>     <title>Log in to Mill Valley School District Directory</title>
>><br /><br />
>>if ($msg) {
>>     echo "<center>$msg</center><br /><br />";
>><form action='logon_validate.php' method='post'>
>><table width='60%' border='0' align='center'>
>>     <tr>
>>         <td colspan='2' align='center'>Please enter username and 
>>password to edit your Student Directory information<br /><br /></td>
>>     </tr>
>>     <tr>
>>         <td>Username:</td>
>>         <td><input type='text' name='name'></td>
>>     </tr>
>>     <tr>
>>         <td>Password:</td>
>>         <td><input type='password' name='pw'></td>
>>     </tr>
>>     <tr>
>>         <td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' 
>>name='submit' value='submit'></td>
>>     </tr>
>>include ("FX/FX.php");
>>include ("prefs.php");
>>//include ("session_handler.php");
>>$query = new FX($serverIP, $port);
>>$query->SetDBData ('parents.fp5', 'web');
>>$query->AddDBParam ('username', $_POST['name'], 'eq');
>>$query->AddDBParam ('password', $_POST['pw'], 'eq');
>>$result = $query->FMFind();
>><font color="red" style="Strong">
>>if ($_POST['name'] == "" || $_POST['pw'] == "") {
>>     $msg= 'Please fill in both fields.';
>>     include_once ("logon.php");
>>             exit;
>>}  else { $msg =" ";
>>if ($result['foundCount'] == 1) {
>>     //setcookie("sid");
>>     //session_start();
>>     //if ($exp) {
>>             //$msg = "Your session has expired.  You must login again.";
>>             //include_once ("logon.php");
>>             //exit;
>>     //}
>>     //$recID = current($result['data']);
>>     //session_register("sessWalkerID");
>>     //session_register("sessWalkerName");
>>     //$sessWalkerID = $recID['parentid'][0];
>>     //$sessWalkerName = $recID['last'][0];
>>     include_once ("includes/header.php");
>>     echo "Logging in... one moment please";
>>     echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=\"1;url=detail.php\">";
>>     exit;
>>} else {
>>     $msg = "Unsucessful login attempt.  Please try again.";
>>     include ("logon.php");
>><title>Mill Valley School District Student Directory</title>
>><link href="web_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
>>$findrecord=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort);
>>foreach($findResult['data'] as $key=>$findData)
>>$lists=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort);
>>$search2=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort);
>>foreach($findResult['data'] as $key=>$findData)
>>$search3=new FX($serverIP,$webCompanionPort);
>>foreach($findResult['data'] as $key=>$findData)
>><p>This is the current information on file.  Click EDIT to change.</p>
>><table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">
>>   <tr class="ver12">
>>     <td width="15%"><div align="right">First Name</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['first'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>   <tr class="ver12">
>>     <td><div align="right">Last Name</div>
>>     </td>
>>       <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['last'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>     <tr class="ver12">
>>   <td width="15%"><div align="right">Street</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['Street'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>     <tr class="ver12">
>>   <td width="15%"><div align="right">City</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['City'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>     <tr class="ver12">
>>   <td width="15%"><div align="right">State</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['State'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>     <tr class="ver12">
>>   <td width="15%"><div align="right">Zip</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['Zip'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>     <tr class="ver12">
>>   <td width="15%"><div align="right">Home Phone</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['PhoneHome'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>>     <tr class="ver12">
>>   <td width="15%"><div align="right">Email</div>
>>     </td>
>>     <td></td>
>>     <td><?php echo $findData['email'][0]; ?>
>>     </td>
>>   </tr>
>><a href="edit.php?recid=<?php
>>echo $currentRecord;
>>  ?>">EDIT</a>
>>  <p>&nbsp;</p>
>>  <a href="edit.php?parentid=<?php
>>echo $currentRecord;
>>  ?>">EDIT</a>
>>Students Records <?php echo $search2Result['foundCount']; ?>
>><?php foreach($search2Result['data'] as $key=>$search2Data) { ?>
>><td><?php echo $search2Data['first'][0]; ?> </td>
>><td><?php echo $search2Data['last'][0]; ?> </td>
>><?php  } ?>
>>Found Records <?php echo $search3Result['foundCount']; ?>
>><?php foreach($search3Result['data'] as $key=>$search3Data) { ?>
>><td><?php echo $search3Data['StudentNameFirst'][0]; ?> </td>
>><td><?php echo $search3Data['StudentNameLast'][0]; ?> </td>
>><td><?php echo $search3Data['Grade'][0]; ?> </td>
>><?php  } ?>
>>Jonathan Schwartz
>>Schwartz & Company
>>817 Marin Drive
>>Mill Valley, CA 94941
>>Phone: 415-381-1852
>>jonathan at eschwartz.com - http://www.eschwartz.com
>>FX.php_List mailing list
>>FX.php_List at mail.iviking.org
>FX.php_List mailing list
>FX.php_List at mail.iviking.org


Jonathan Schwartz
Schwartz & Company
817 Marin Drive
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: 415-381-1852
jonathan at eschwartz.com - http://www.eschwartz.com

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