[FX.php List] Dynamic Value Lists

Peter Bates p.bates at sjcpl.org
Fri Oct 21 09:54:06 MDT 2005

Another newbie question:

I have a value list that is being pulled from my database. The value  
list in the database is not a static list, instead it uses values  
from a field. The issue I'm having is that when the form is  
displayed, it displays the first item in the list. I need it to be  
initially blank. Filemaker will not add an empty (blank) value to a  
dynamic value list. so this needs to be done in my php code. This is  
what I have right now:

<select name="Title">
     foreach($listResult['valueLists']['Title'] as $key=>$value) {
             <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>"><?php echo  
$value; ?></option>


Peter Bates
Microcomputer Network Specialist
Automated Services
St. Joseph County Public Library
304 S. Main St.
South Bend, IN  46601
voice: (574) 282-4610
fax: (574) 282-4662
e-mail: p.bates at sjcpl.org
www:  http:/www.libraryforlife.org
library catalog:

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