[FX.php List] What about LinkFirst and LinkLast?

William Akey wcakey at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 14 23:34:42 MST 2005


I understand how to setup and use $Skip with LinkNext and LinkPrevious and
it works great. I would like to be able to use LinkFirst and LinkLast as
well. However, it looks like Chris Hansen did not include that funcitonaliy
in the FXphp implementation. At least, I can't see any mention of it in the
documentation and it doesn't work if I call them, although interestingly
enough, the link that is created when they are used does point to the
correct page, but it does not include all of the trailing parmaeters that
are also necessary to properly complete the action.

Have any of you figured out a way to implement LinkFirst and LinkLast as
they used to work in CDML with versions of FileMaker prior to 7. If so,
could you please share it with me?



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