[FX.php List] Upgrading server to FM12 - what steps for FX.php

Dale Bengston dale.bengston at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 11:47:04 MST 2014

Hi everyone,

I just did a FM12 “conversion” for a site I built last year to talk to FM11. I put the word conversion in quotes because there was nothing to convert.

* The site in question uses Cake.php, FMCakeMix and FX.php to serve data to the web. I was a bit concerned something in that chain would malfunction with FMS12, but there were no problems. None.

* My database went from being named ‘lbsw_app.fp7’ to ‘lbsw_app.fmp12’, but I’ve never used the file extension in my database call in FX. FX knew that a database named ‘lbsw_app’ was the one to use in both FMS11 and FMS12. Bob P: no change even necessary here.

* One problem, self-inflicted: I had several instances where I was searching for a date range that included a ‘bw’ operator (begins with). FMS12 returned an error 500, which has to do with invalid formatting. FMS11 did not choke on this. I removed the operator altogether, and date ranges worked in FMS12. Just for laughs, I pointed the site back at FMS11, and no-operator worked there too. I don’t know when I started using ‘bw’, for date ranges, but it was extraneous.

So there you have it. About twenty minutes to diagnose and fix my self-inflicted date range coding error and the transition was complete. I would like to give thanks to all of you who’ve contributed to FX.php and who’ve made it so amazing. (I will give myself some credit here: I make all my web layouts specifically for that purpose, and I strip them down to the absolute necessity. I do not use portals at all, ever, on FileMaker/web layouts.)

2014 marks my eleventh year of coding with FX.php and it still amazes me. Thanks again Chris H and all y’all.


On Jan 21, 2014, at 7:03 PM, Chris Hansen <chris at iViking.org> wrote:

> Yes.  That's it exactly.
> People have done quite a bit to keep FX.php working with various versions of FileMaker.  Ahh, the beauty of open source!
> Best,
> --Chris
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:06 PM, David <david.buck at seachem.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 8, 2014, at 12:28 PM, Chris Hansen <chris at iViking.org> wrote:
>>> David,
>>> Are there portals on the layouts that you're accessing?  If so, FileMaker 12 has a bug in the XML data returned and you'll need to set the datatype to 'fmalt'.  
>> Thanks for the info. I see you did a lot of work in this area so thank you! 
>> I do have portals in one of my pages/layouts. Do you mean change the variable in server_data.php from
>> $dataSourceType = 'FMPro7'
>> to 
>> $dataSourceType = 'fmalt'
>> Many thanks,
>> David.
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