[FX.php List] PHP question: Presenting the user with multiple pages from each result

Steve Winter steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz
Thu Jul 2 05:46:43 MDT 2009

Hi John,

Not sure that I follow, but I'll throw up a few ideas and see what  

1. what about using fpdf to create a multipage pdf document which  
contains all the labels, which the user can then print...?
2. css does offer 'pagebreak' options, which most modern browsers will  
obey, so you could insert those between the labels, on just one page...
3. you could show the first label, use javascript to pop-up the users  
print dialog, so that they can print that doc, then have a 'NEXT  
LABEL' button at the top of the label which takes the user to the next  
page in the set, and use a print specific css sheet to hide that  

Any help...? did I miss the point completely...??


On 2 Jul 2009, at 12:35, John Funk wrote:

> In my solution the user fills out a from to request a label, the  
> label record is created and shown on a php from.
> Now my client wants to have the user to be able to enter the number  
> of labels required and each label ( a diferent FM record) presented  
> to the user on a separate web page, one after one.
> Is there a php function /class I could use to print? And then I  
> could find the next record and display.
> Thanks
> John
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Steve Winter
steve at bluecrocodile.co.nz
m: +44 77 7852 4776
3 Calshot Court, Channel Way
Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3GR

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